The Use of Nutrition Supplements and Sports Food in Combat and Combat-Support Units

Uri Lubetzky-Levor 1,2 Chen Fleischmann 1,2 Yuval Heled 2 Ran Yanovich 1,2
1The Warrior Health Research Institute (WHRI), The Institute of Military Physiology, Israeli Defense Forces Medical Corps, Israel
2Heller Institute of Medical Research, Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Soldiers serving in combat units are required to acquire and maintain mental and physical function at high levels throughout their military service. Nutritional support in terms of timing, amount and food type is important to enable optimum physiological adaptation. Despite the increased nutritional needs, especially in extended field-training, fresh food is not always available or is not always the best consumption option. Additionally, many units adapt the use of engineered food that is used in many sports fields. The use of dietary supplements and sports food is reported in the scientific literature as a common phenomenon that is growing and developing among the general population and specifically among active individuals, such as athletes and soldiers. So far, the consumption patterns of dietary supplements and sports food in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is unknown. The aim of this presentation is to display the usage patterns of dietary supplements and sports food among soldiers in combat and combat-support units, and to present the general knowledge and current position stand of soldiers on nutrition, sports food, and nutrition supplements.

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