Human Movement Science and OsteoArthritis

Badrinath Rao
Sports Sciences, Activity Heals Private Practice, India

Background: The advent of sports sciences on the field of elite sports performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation is well documented and obvious. However, the cross-application of the same technology, the knowledge base, the know-how, exercise conditioning protocols and the application of these sciences to a non-sporting, sedentary population is not so obvious.

Aim: This paper will discuss one example of how a clinical case of OsteoArthritis (OA) benefitted from the application of Human Movement Science principles.

Method: A case study of a 55-year-old working woman came with complaints of bilateral knee pain during walking flat surfaces, climbing steps, transiting from sitting to standing and vice versa, getting up from bed, random buckling of the right knee, both knees showing swelling and considerable loss of proprioceptive balance on even and uneven surfaces. She also suffered from fixed flexion on the right knee. Her gait pattern showed limping, and posteriorly tilted pelvis. She had seen several orthopaedic surgeons and undergone several years of physiotherapy. She was advised to undergo TKR (Total Knee Replacement) on both knees.

Results: No pain, no swelling, no limping, improved balance, returning to active and independent living, and now trekking!

Discussion and Conclusion: Firstly, to understand the relevance of Human Movement Science in tackling non-sport and chronic pain injuries. Secondly, to help sports science students see the broader picture of their learning. Thirdly, I will discuss the approach `Activity Heals Method` necessary to enable the non-sporting population to appreciate and willingly participate in this approach.

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