The New Treatment of Asherman`s Syndrome to Prevent RPL, Infertility and Miscarriage

author.DisplayName 1 author.DisplayName 2
1Students' Research Committee, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch, Iran
2OB & Gynaecology,Pars General Hospital,Tehran, National Association of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Iran, Iran

Asherman`s syndrome also known as intra uterine adhesion, is a condition occuring usually after an invasive uteral surgery such as D&C.
the scars may cause hypomenorrhea or amenorrhea,RPL,miscarriage, and infertility.
a private clinical trial was performed by Dr. Cyrus ANOUSHIRVANI MD and Kiana ANOUSHIRVANI in Pars General Hospital of Tehran, Iran; we developed a new method of preventing the uterus from producing scars or adhesions after invasive surgeries.
this method was performed on fertile female with the average age of 37
after finishing the procedure, we use a 3 way Foley urinary catheter and implant it in the uterus from the vaginal opening of the patient through the cervical canal.
first we wash the cavity of the uterus with bleu de méthylène and hot physiological serum (usually normal saline) through one of the openings of the Foley catheter,as a way of ablation and disinfection,
then we blow the Foley catheter`s baloon with water in case of preventing the reaching of any two parts of the internal cavity of uterus and eliminate any chance of adhesion production or scarring leading to the Asherman`s syndrome
then we inject the hyaluronidase gel to reduce the chances of rescarring and adhesion and remove the catheter in between 24-36 hours after the surgery
Conclusion and Result:
in this two year observation,the method was successful in almost all the cases
no rescarrings or adhesions were seen
the uterus heeled completely and produced normal andometrium afterwards
-some patients did not come back for the followup checkings-

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