Avigdor Posèq:Artist and Art Historian

Ziva Amishai-Maisels
Art History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ישראל

Avigdor Posèq was best known as an art historian who delved into formal problems while also studying the psychological implications of the iconography of Renaissance, Baroque and modern Jewish artists. However, before becoming an art historian, he was an artist with his own individual iconography and a pessimistic view of mankind`s fate partially inspired by his difficult childhood during World War II. This art will be presented here for the first time, and I will elucidate how its style and world view interacted with his later choices of the artists he chose to study, especially Soutine and Tumarkin.

Ziva Amishai-Maisels
פרופ' אמריטה Ziva Amishai-Maisels
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

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