המגילה החיצונית לבראשית וחיבורים ארמיים קרובים

תנ"ך ע"ש זלמן שמיר, אוניברסיטת בר אילן, ישראל

The Genesis Apocryphon was among the first scrolls discovered in 1947 at Cave 1 at Qumran. It is written in Aramaic, perhaps from the third century BCE and includes adaptations and elaborations on the stories of Genesis from the days of Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. Most of the twenty-three extant columns of the Genesis Apocryphon are in a poor state of preservation.

Around a hundred Aramaic texts were found in Qumran, out of which many deals with parallel subjects as the Genesis Apocryphon. In my lecture I will look at these texts, and try to locate Genesis Apocryphon in their midst.

Esther Eshel
Esther Eshel

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