Tracing grammatical Sources of the Hebrew Language Description in the Yehuda Halevi`s Kitab al-Kuzari [II 68-81]

Department of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University, פולין

The paper dicusses 13 last oaragraphs from the Yehuda Halevi`s Kitab al-Kuzari. Although the book was widely discussed and analyzed by numerous scholars, it seems that this particular part of it has not attracted enough attention in the present scholarship. Tracing some possible sources of the Halevi`s description the three stages of the languages analysis will be focused on as methodolical devices adopted by the author. Consequently, the question will be posed, whether it wuold be exhaustive to analyze the relevant fragments in the context of the grammatical works of Hebrew grammarians from Al-Andalus. It seems that one must take into account the works of Massorets as well as early Karaite grammatical tradition. In some instances, as the description of Hebrew vowels, the direct influence of the Arabic grammatical schols may be assumed (Al-Khalil among others).

Maciej Tomal
Maciej Tomal

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