EAP 2017 Congress and MasterCourse, October 12-15, 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dental Health in Children with Diabetes Mellitus

Bibigul Abeuova Bibigul Abeuova Zhadyra Ashirbekova
Department of Children's Diseases, Karaganda State Medical University

There are 225,735 patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) in Kazakhstan, children under 18 years of age with type 1 diabetes - 1,801 of them. Often oral diseases are noted in children with type 1 diabetes, which according to the literature are observed in 87.9% of patients.

Objective: to study the prevalence and intensity of caries and periodontal diseases in children with type 1 diabetes

Materials and Methods: 60 children with type 1 diabetes undergoing in-patient treatment at the Regional Children`s Clinical Hospital in Karaganda were examined. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the level of glucose: in children of group 1 the blood glucose level was less than 10 mmol / L, in group 2 - from 10 mmol / L to 20 mmol / L, in 3 Group - more than 20 mmol / L. Indices of hygiene of the oral cavity, intensity and prevalence of caries and periodontal diseases were defined.

Results: In 15 children with DM 1, a compensated form of caries was observed, subcompensated in 36 children decompensated in 9 children.

Pathological changes in periodontal tissue are noted in all cases. It was revealed: 100% bleeding gums, 100% presence of supra- and subgingival tartar, 87.5% of cases of inflammation of the gingival papilla, 80% of the marginal and 55% of the alveolar gum.


  1. The prevalence of caries in children with type 1 diabetes was 70% and was characterized as an average. The intensity of caries in children with type 1 diabetes by the DMF index was M = 8.7 SD = 2.2.
  2. The prevalence of periodontal diseases in children with diabetes is characterized as high and is 100%. The intensity of periodontal disease is estimated as an average and is M = 2.28, SD = 0.47.
Bibigul Abeuova
Bibigul Abeuova

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