השפעת השימוש באסטרטגיה שיווקית על הביצועים הארגוניים של שירותים חברתיים ציבוריים ומופרטים

נורית שגב
אגף בכיר למחקר, תכנון והכשרה, ביה"ס מרכזי להכשרת עובדים לשירותי הרווחה, משרד העבודה, הרווחה והשירותים החברתיים, רמת גן
הרשות ללימודים מתקדמים, אוניברסיטת חיפה, חיפה

This study examines empirically, for the first time, the effect of competition on the performance of social services. The importance of the innovative study is reinforced by the widespread theoretical and ideological debate between advocates of the welfare state and those of neo-liberalism (Harrison-Walker, 2009).

As part of this process, competition and marketing become a common jargon of policy makers and of the public alike. In a state of competition, organizations try to retain its current customers and to convince potential customers that it is to be preferred above the alternatives (la Piana, 2005). The marketing variable includes the components of market orientation, public relations, and advertising. Its contribution to the performance of social services will be discussed on this study.

This study offers an empirical model for measuring competition and its effects on the performance of social services. We use Porter`s model for analyzing the motivating forces of competition. We also look at marketing as a prominent concern of competition how it contributes to creating a competitive edge and, in improving performance ( Kaplan & Haenlein, 2009). In order to examine the way in which competition influences the performance of social services, we define organizational performance with a broader perspective that includes the inter-organizational aspect on organization values and their application (Chan, 1996). We conducted a wide scale survey of 59 social services in the field of welfare and education: (a) government services; (b) partial privatizied services. The marketing contribution to the performance of social services will be discussed on this study.

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