EAP 2017 Congress and MasterCourse, October 12-15, 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Myocarditis from Fetal to Neonates: Our Experience to Diagnosis Treatment and Outcomes in a Single Centre

Olga Filaretova 3 Anna Kotova 1 Margarita Tumanyan 1,3 Elena Bespalova 2
1Intensive Cardiology for Neonates & Infants with Congenital Heart Disease, Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
2Perinatal Cardiological Center, Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
3Pediatric Cardiology Course at the Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Aim: We performed a retrospective analysis of 89 fetal echograms (in between 01.2015 and 10.2016).

Methods: Prenatal ultrasound screening included 2-D and 3/4-D EchoCG. Diagnosis was confirmed either by postnatal EchoCG or autopsy; the percentage of prenatal mistakes was 0%. After birth newborns underwent routine cardiology examination with EchoCG, diagnostic blood tests, virus antibody tests.

Results: 89\2586 (3.4%) CHD foetuses with a prenatal diagnosis of myocarditis were enrolled. Initial fetal EchoCGs were obtained between 12 and 39 weeks of gestation (median 24.5 weeks). Diagnostic ultrasound criteria and complications: dilatation of LV(87/89) and dilatation of RV(2/89) with poor ventricular function; AV regurgitation and pericardial effusion(89/89); fetal non-immune hydrops(21/89); fetal arrhythmias AVB, bradyarrhythmia(11/89). Outcomes for the cases with fetal myocarditis: the termination of pregnancy 9/89(10.1%); intrauterine fetal death 4/89(4.5%), neonatal death soon after birth 6/89(6.7%), fetal successful treatment 67/89(75.2%). Of 67 newborns 25(37%) were a previously successful cases of fetal myocarditis treatment; also 25(37%) cases had CHD, of which 16/25(64%) were critical CHD (CCHD). In all CHD cases myocardial antibody titre was higher than the reference value. Of virus antibody tests positive results were obtained for: CMV (20/25), HHV type 1(165), and EBV (46). Patients with CHD and myocarditis combined were indicative of heart failure (mean NYHA class 3.1): pericardial effusion (10/25), dilatation heart cavities or myocardial hypertrophy (195) with reduction systolic function. The CHD in newborns with prenatal myocardities were primarily represented by critical CHD 165 (64%). All patients underwent the following active treatment: glucocorticosteroids; NSA; anti-virus/anti-bacterial; beta blocker, heart failure and arrhythmia therapy. Neonates with CCHD required emergent surgical intervention due to CCHD incidence and other planned CHD repair. Before 1 year 3(3.3%) infants with AVB underwent pacemaker implantations. Hospital mortality was 0%.

Olga Filaretova
Olga Filaretova
Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

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