Introduction: Infantile hemangioma (IH) is a common vascular tumor. About 3% of infants with IHs will present with multiple cutaneous lesions (≥5). In such cases there is a risk of internal organ involvement.
Objective: This study aims to describe the characteristic findings in a group of infants with multiple cutaneous hemangiomas, with emphasis on intracranial involvement.
Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was done in a pediatric dermatology unit of a tertiary pediatric medical center. Patients diagnosed with multiple cutaneous IHs from 2006 to 2015 were identified by a computerized search. Clinical data was retrieved from the medical charts.
Results: A total of 60 infants, 37 females and 23 males participated in this study. Forty-four brain ultrasounds were recorded and reported as normal. One patient out of the 44 was later diagnosed with a small asymptomatic hemangioma seen in a brain MRI/MRA done for another indication.
Conclusion: Brain hemangiomas may present as an asymptomatic incidental finding in infants presenting with multifocal cutaneous and liver IHs. The single case reported in our study emphasizes the low prevalence and the benign course expected. Therefore, routine ultrasound screening for brain involvement is probably unnecessary for this population.