Synthetic Motile Systems: Supramolecular Approach and Applications

Daniela Wilson
Systems Chemistry, Institute for Molecules and Material, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Self-powered artificial motile systems are currently attracting increased interest as mimics of biological motors but also as potential components of nanomachinery, robotics, and sensing devices. (Chem Rev 2016, Chem Soc Rev 2017) We have recently reported a supramolecular approach to design synthetic nanomotors using self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers into polymersomes and the controlled folding of the vesicles under osmotic stress into bowl shape morphology (Nat. Chem. 2012, Nat. Commun. 2016).The folding process can be precisely controlled to generate architectures with adjustable openings and selective entrapment of inorganic catalysts, enzyme and multiple enzymes in a cascade or a network working together in a metabolic pathway (JACS 2012, ACS Nano 2016, Nanoscale 2017). Decomposition of the substrate by the active catalyst, generates a rapid discharge of decomposition products propelling the construct forward. Regulation of the speed and behaviour of the nanomotors is possible by integration of regulatory feedback loops into the enzyme network designed to preserve energy and sustain the movement at low concentrations of multiple fuels (ACS Central Sc. 2017). Furthermore full control over the movement is demonstrated by incorporation of molecularly build stimuli responsive brakes (polymer brushes) able to regulate the access of the fuels around the opening and switch on/off the movement of the nanomotors. (Nature Chem 2017, ACS Nano 2017) Recent developments on greater control over the movement under chemical gradients, temperature or external fields and their possible applications will be presented (Nat. Commun 2014, Angew 2015, Adv. Mater 2017, Adv. Funct. Mater 2018).

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