Background: Chondrosarcoma of the temporal bone is an extremely rare lesion (accounts for less than 0.1% of head and neck cancers).
Methods: A case report of Temporal bone chondrosarcoma
Results: We present a case of 67 years old female whose initial complains were minimal, right ear fullness and new onset right temporo-mandibular joint clicks for several months. A month prior to her referral she developed a mild right external otitis which was solved easily with conventional treatment. High resolution CT and MRI demonstrated a 1.3 centimeter expensile lesion which occupied the antero-superior part of the tympanic ring and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. Tissue diagnosis was consistent with chondrosarcoma grade I. PET-CT was negative for distant metastases.
Conclusions: The poster will discuss considerations for referral for imaging in the presence of mild yet consistent symptoms and the management strategy in rare sarcomas where commonly accepted protocols are not available.