Introduction: M Menier comes from a disregulation of electrolytic circulation between endo and perilimph and there are cases in wich we can also find BPPV from a dislocation of otoconia in the SCC most of the posterior SCC in canalolithiasis or from the attachment of the cupula in cupulolithiasis. We find vertigo in both pathologies and they may coexist in the same patient.
Aim of the study: find the patients in wich Menier s and BPPV coexist and procede the repositioning nanouver to cure the BPPV.
Methode and patients: we have taken under which 20 patients diagnosed with Menier s 5 of wich have also BPPV diagnosed in Did Hallpike .We performed the repositioning manouver depending on the SCC affected Epley or Semount. We checked the patients after 1 or 2 weeks and we also treated Menier with medication.
Results: in 5 of the cases with BPPV and Menier s desease 3 of them were completely cured after repositioning manouvers and 2 of them in cupulolithiasis were difficult and vertigo persisted after the manouvers.
Conclusions:in cases with Menier s and BPPV performing the right repositioning manouvers cures the second lasting positional vertigo but there are still difficult cases.These patients go under Menier s medication and diet but BPPV is cured with repositioning manouvers and this improves the situation of the patients with 2 kinds of vertigo: the second lasting vertigo and your lasting or day meeting vertigo.