ISRR 2018

Modelling Rhizodeposition with Functional-Structural Plant Models

Frederic Rees Céline Richard-Molard Claire Chenu Bruno Andrieu
UMR EcoSys, INRA / AgroParisTech / Université Paris-Saclay, France

Plants are the main source of organic carbon in soils. Besides litter incorporation, most of plant carbon fluxes to soil occur belowground, through the release of organic compounds by roots and the decay of root tissues. Despite the importance of these processes for soil carbon sequestration and for soil biological functions, our understanding of such fluxes has been hampered by the difficulties associated to their measurement in actual soil environments and their integration to plant growth models. Our aim is to develop new modelling approaches in order to accurately describe trophic fluxes from roots to soil and their spatial and temporal evolution. Functional-structural plant models (FSPM), which take into account both plant physiology and plant architecture, may be well adapted to such a modelling strategy, but also bring new challenges in terms of processes coupling. This work will present our current strategy to simulate and integrate root exudation, mucilage emissions, root cells desquamation and root senescence into a common model, and will highlight some of the main knowledge gaps associated to the simulation of these processes.

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