ISRR 2018

Identification of Mutants with Altered Seminal Root Numbers in Hexaploid Wheat

Oluwaseyi Shorinola 1 Ryan Kaye 2 Stefan Kepinski 2 Cristobal Uauy 1
1Crop Genetics Department, John Innes Centre, UK
2Centre for Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, UK

Root development in wheat, the most widely grown crop in the world suppling 20% of global calorifie intake, remains a black-box process. Despite progress in understanding the molecular control of root development in model species, only a single gene regulating root architecture has been cloned in wheat. This is partly due to the large size of the wheat genome (~17 GB), its high repeat content (>80%) and the genetic redundancy of this polyploid species. To improve our understanding of the genetic control of root development in wheat, we conducted a forward genetic screen for seminal root number using an exome-sequenced hexaploid wheat TILLING population. The screen identified seven mutants with homozygous and stable altered seminal root number (hereafter referred to as arn1- arn7) phenotypes. arn1 displays a higher number of seminal root compared to wild-type plants while arn2- arn7 show lower number of seminal roots. We further characterised the genetic architecture of arn1 and arn2 phenotypes and show that arn1 segregates as a recessive multigenic mutation while arn2 segregate as a dominant monogenic mutation. This suggests that multiple pathways determine the establishment of seminal root number in wheat. Our work highlights the potential to use the sequenced wheat TILLING population as a forward genetic resource for uncovering novel variation in seminal root architecture that can be useful for understanding root development in wheat.

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