Indradural Extramedullary Tumor of Spinal Cord- Case Series

Background: Intradural or primary spinal cord tumors (neoplasms) are uncommon lesions and fortunately affect only a minority of the population. However, when lesions grow, they result in compression of the spinal cord, which can cause limb dysfunction, motor and sensation loss, and, possibly, lead to death. The most common presenting symptoms include weakness, back pain and radicular pain.

Aim and Objective: To evaluate and management of intradural intramedullary spinal cord tumors presented to department of Orthopaedics, BPKIHS, Dharan

.Materials and Methods: This is retrospective interventional study done at the department of Orthopaedics,BPKIHS,Dharan,Nepal over a period of 4 years from March 2010 to April 20014. A total of 5 patients with intradural extramedullary tumor were operated. The patient’s age ranged from 20 to 50 years and the mean follow-up was 12 weeks. All patients improved neurogically and functinally after surgery.

Results: The study comprised of 5 patients with intradural extramedullary tumor of spinal cord The age incidence in this series ranged from 20 years to 50 years. 4 patients were males and 1 was female. 2 tumors were in dorsal region where as 3 tumors were in lumbar region.

Discussion: Patients with intramedullary extramedullary spinal cord tumors (i.e., Ependymomas, astrocytomas) typically present with back pain referred from the level of the lesion, sensory changes, or worsening function. Optimal treatment options depend on the patient`s clinical symptoms and neurologic finding. However, cures have been reported only after complete surgical resection.

Conclusion: Intradural or primary spinal cord tumors (neoplasm) are uncommon lesions and fortunately affect only a minority of the population. Patients with neurologic symptoms and confirmatory findings from imaging studies benefit most from surgical excision, with the surgical goal of total gross resection of the lesion.

Keywords: Intradural, Tumor, Spinal cord, Surgical excision

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