Locked Scapula

נטע מימון 1 Oren Tsvieli 2
1Orthopeadic Department, Soroka Medical Center, Israel
2Orthopeadic, Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center, Israel

Scapular dislocation (locked scapula) is a rare entity in shoulder trauma and its diagnosis is often delayed or missed. The cause for the dislocation is usually a distraction injury to the arm or direct blunt trauma to the posterior scapula.

There are only a few records in the literature describing this injury, especially a recurrent dislocation, and prompt diagnosis and treatment can be accomplished by closed reduction as late diagnosis would require open reduction.

We report a case of a 20 year old female that had suffered from this condition after a distraction injury. She was referred to the ER with a recurrent scapular dislocation that was reduced independently before. Radiographs were positive for scapular dislocation and a closed reduction was established at the ER.

Treatment and prognosis are reviewed, as well as a review of the current literature.

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