Ultrasound Guided injections to Mortons Interdigital Neuroma – Preliminary Results

Oded Stav 1 Matityahu Noff 2 Ernesto Glazer 3 Amir Oron 1 Yona Kosashvili 1
1Orthopedic Surgery, Kaplan Medical Center, Israel
2Orthopedic Surgery, Assuta Medical Center, Israel
3Orthopedic Surgery, Rabin Medical Center, Israel

We retrospectively reviewed twenty cases of Ultrasound guided injection to Morton’s interdigital neuroma of the foot. Patients were followed up over an average of 3 months and no adverse events were reported.

Diagnosis was performed clinically and with the use of ultrasound. The patients were injected with cortisone alone directly into the lesion. Immediate ambulation was encouraged.

Twenty patients were enrolled in the study. 15 female and 5 male with an average age of 59.4 years.

All patients endured the treatment well and no adverse events were recorded. All the patients but three were satisfied with the treatment. Of the remaining 17 patients 12 reported a significant (over 50%) improvement in symptoms while the others reported a mild improvement. None of the patients went on to surgical intervention.

We believe ultrasound guided injection to interdigital Morton’s neuroma of the foot to be a safe and efficacious treatment. Further studies are in order which may corroborate its advantage over free hand injection to Morton’s interdigital neuroma of the foot.

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