Background: CTR can be achieved by open or endoscopic techniques alike. Currently, most hand surgeons use "mini open" (less then 3 cm skin incision) technique. It is desirable to protect the median nerve in mini incision ctr. Different tools were developed in order to enhance safety but most are single use tools or expensive.
Objective: to describe a surgical technique using new equipment: a cannula trocar instrument "ctcts" with a smilley meniscotome for release of the carpal canal, By mini-open CTR and show safety and preliminary short term results.
Method : A retrospective chart review, I report my experience with the first 50 patients operated by this instrument that is based on a modified tool I used for 12 years few hundreds of ctr operations with reported good results . the tool is a simple cannula and trocar of 5 mm diameter and 13 cm length that serve as a guide for a smiley meniscotome that cuts the canal roof. patients were evaluated after 2 weeks for short term results. they were asked if symptoms improved and examined with swmf and apb power assessment relative to pre op. we looked into short term complications, focusing on reported sensory loss or symptom aggrevation (potential nerve damage).
Results : short term results were good in 90% of patients, complications were rare and transient
Conclusion: this is a safe simple and low cost way to perform mini open CTR.