Lower extremity bone loss is a cause of major morbidity. The treatment demands a tailored surgical approach in order to reach a satisfying result.
Bone distraction osteogenesis techniques create new bone by creating longitudinal mechanical strain. These techniques can slowly bridge large bone gaps.
We present six cases of patients with bone loss, four tibias and two femurs. Four patients suffered from major trauma with an open fracture and a secondary osteomyelitis. One patient had a primary osteomyelitis. One patient had an osteosarcoma. One patient was treated with a bone transport four patients were treated with a bone transport over an intra medullary nail and one patient was treated with an acute shortening and re-lengthening. All patients had a docking site bone graft performed after bone transfers were successfully completed. Two patients underwent Achilles tendon lengthening to restore ankle dorsiflexion.
All patients were able to ambulate and weight bare and had complete wound healing.