Imaging Manifestations of Influenza Pneumonia

Osnat Moreh-Rahav 1,2,3 Tatiana Brusgol 1,3 Oren Fruchter MD FCCP 1,3
1Radiology department and Pulmonary Division, E. Wolfson Medical Center
2Radiology department, Rabin Medical Center
3Imaging, Tel Aviv University

PURPOSE: To explore the radiological manifestations of influenza pneumonia during the outbreak of 2017.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The radiological features of patients who presented to Wolfson Medical Center between December 2017 and March 2018 with serological confirmation of Influenza A or B were reviewed. Typical imaging characteristics were explored on Chest Radiography and/or Computed Tomography.

RESULTS: Our cohort included 39 patients, 14 patients (35.9%) with Influenza A, and 25 patients (64.1%) with Influenza B. The mean age of the entire cohort was 64 years. The male/female number was 13 and 26 . There were no significant differences between Influenza A and B with regard to imaging features. There were 5 patients with Influenza A H1N1 for whom the imaging findings were similar to other sub groups. There were 4 main imaging patterns : a normal study with no imaging pattern related to infection was the most common pattern (20/39 ), the second most common pattern was the airway centric disease pattern (10/39 ). A multifocal pneumonia pattern was less common (5/39), and least common was a single focal region of infection (4/39).

CONCLUSION: The Imaging manifestations of influenza pneumonia are nonspecific with regard to the different viral subtypes. There are 4 major imaging patterns, The most common is a normal study and when imaging findings are present the airway centric pattern is most common

Osnat Moreh-Rahav
Osnat Moreh-Rahav

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