Mimickers of Solid Tumors in the Setting of Multidisciplinary Rapid Cancer Diagnosis Unit

Yael Eshet 1 Sivan Lieberman 2 Tima Davidson 1 Meital Levartovsky 3 Shiri Tenenboim 3 Opher Globus 3 Jonathan Weidenfeld 4 rakefet sitton 3 Damien Urban 3
1Nuclear Medicine, Sheba Medical center
2Diagnostic Imaging, Sheba Medical Center
3Oncology, Sheba Medical Center
4Pathology, Sheba Medical Center

PURPOSE: To identify and characterize mimickers of solid tumors presented to a multidisciplinary rapid cancer diagnosis unit

MATERIAL & METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 153 consecutive imaging studies presented to the recently founded rapid cancer diagnosis unit at our center, and compared imaging to pathological results. We identified space occupying lesions, which were initially interpreted as solid tumors, but were pathologically rebutted. Their features were analyzed.

RESULTS: Out of 153 studies reviewed, 131 were initially suspected as solid tumors, 22 suspected as hematological malignancies. Of those, 8 (5%) had a different pathological diagnosis (a single case of abscess, pseudotumor, and a bleeding FNH, 2 cases of multiple myeloma, and 3 cases of extranodal lymphoma).

CONCLUSION: In the setting of cancer diagnosis, the reader should be aware of the features of space occupying lesions mimicking solid tumors.

Yael Eshet
Yael Eshet

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