A simple model for scalar relativistic corrections to molecular total atomisation energies

Nitai Sylvetsky Jan M. L. Martin
Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Scalar relativistic corrections to atomisation energies of first- and second-row molecules can be rationalised in terms of a simple additive model, linear in changes in atomic s populations. In a sample of 200 first-and second-row molecules, such a model can account for over 98% of the variance (99% for the first-row subset). The remaining error can be halved again by adding a term involving the change in atomic p populations: those coefficients need not be fitted but can be fixed from atomic electron affinity calculations. This model allows a fairly accurate a priori estimate for the importance of scalar relativistic corrections on a reaction energy, at essentially zero computational cost. While this is not a substitute for explicit calculation of Douglas–Kroll–Hess (DKH) or exact two-component (X2C) relativistic corrections, the model offers an interpretative tool for the chemical analysis of scalar relativistic contributions to reaction energies.

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