From kB to kB: Universal and efficient entropy estimation using a compression algorithm

Ram Avinery Roy Beck Micha Kornreich
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Entropy and free-energy estimation are key in thermodynamic characterization of simulated systems ranging from spin models through polymers, colloids, protein structure, and drug-design. Current techniques suffer from being model specific, requiring abundant computation resources and simulation at conditions far from the studied realization. In this talk, I will present a novel universal scheme to calculate entropy using lossless compression algorithms and validate it on simulated systems of increasing complexity. Our results show accurate entropy values compared to benchmark calculations while being computationally effective. In molecular-dynamics simulations of protein folding, we exhibit unmatched detection capability of the folded states by measuring previously undetectable entropy fluctuations along the simulation timeline. Such entropy evaluation opens a new window onto the dynamics of complex systems and allows efficient free-energy calculations.

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