Protein-based nanoparticles with metallocorroles

Qiucheng Chen
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Recent investigations of metallocorroles revealed their potential applications on medical fields, such as ROS decomposition and anti-cancer candidates. During the injection of water-soluble metallocorroles into water media containing protein, active nanoparticles were assembled with serum proteins coating on the surface. To understand the process of cell-penatration and enhance the activity, potein-based nanoparticles were prepared and characterized, which provided hints of particle structure and the coating protein conformation. Size-exclusion column was employed to separate the bounded and free protein, while dynamic light scatting technique were used to characterize the size of nanoparticles. After optimized the protein-corrole ratio as well as types of metallocorroles, the cell-penatration activity of the nanoparticles were enhance, and the confocal microscopy analysis revealed the end-point of the metallocorrole were in mitochondria.

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