Intricacies of resonance phenomena and interaction with light for the uracil anion

Debarati Bhattacharya Gal Boskila Adi Pick Nimrod Moiseyev
Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Recent experimental evidences have highlighted the role of low energy electrons in DNA and RNA base pair damages. These low energy electrons can be absorbed by the nucleobases, to give rise to a metastable state, that can ultimately autoionize or breakdown to form two or more sub-systems. Such metastable states are known as resonances which are charaterized by complex energies. This talk will focus on the different types of resonances for the specific case of Uracil anion (a RNA nucleobase). The shape and Feshbach type of resonances are calculated using the resonance-via-pade (RVP) approach which incorporates the stabilization technique. Along with the calculation of different types of resonances for this nucleobase, a new way to calculate complex transition dipoles will be highlighted. A knowledge of the resonance energies and complex dipoles, pave the way for studying the plethora of non-Hermitian phenomena such as optical absorption spectra, above threshold ionization, high harmonic generation etc. A clear picture of the various resonance related phenomena will enable for a better understanding of the damages caused by radiation to the nucleobases.

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