Tunneling through centrifugal barriers using complex valued classical trajectories

Vlada Solyanikov David J. Tannor
Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Semiclassical methods for solving the Time Dependent Schroedinger equation (TDSE) bridge the gap between quantum and classical mechanics. We have recently developed a semiclassical method based on complex valued classical trajectories. Here we combine the method with complex time and apply it to two different potentials: the Eckart potential and the centrifugal barrier potential. We analyse the ability of complex trajectories and complex time to describe classically allowed and classically forbidden processes on the same footing.1-5

1. Yair Goldfarb, Ilan Degani, and David J. Tannor. Bohmian mechanics with complex action: A new trajectory-based formulation of quantum mechanics. J. Chem. Phys., 125(23):231103, December 2006.

2. Kenneth G. Kay. Time-dependent semiclassical tunneling through barriers. Physical Review A, 88(1), July 2013.

3. Noa Zamstein and David J. Tannor. Communication: Overcoming the root search problem in complex quantum trajectory calculations. J. Chem. Phys., 140(4):041105, January 2014.

4. Jakob Petersen and Kenneth G. Kay. Wave packet propagation across barriers by semiclassical initial value methods. J. Chem. Phys., 143(1):014107, July 2015.

5. Werner Koch and David J. Tannor. Wavepacket revivals via complex trajectory propagation. Chemical Physics Letters, 683:306–314, September 2017.

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