Modeling enzyme catalysis: The CotB2 cyclase mechanism

Keren Raz Schwartz Dan T. Major
Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

Terpene cyclases are responsible for the initial cyclization cascade in the multistep synthesis of more than 80,000 known natural products. This abundance of compounds is generated using a very limited pool of substrates based on linear isoprenoids [i]. The chemodiversity obtained by terpene cyclases suggests a catalytic challenge to these enzymes. CotB2 is a di-terpene cyclase from Streptomyces melanosporofaciens, which synthesizes the formation of cyclooctat-9-en-7-ol, a precursor to cyclooctatin. Cyclooctatin is a next-generation anti-inflammatory drug [ii]-[iii]. In this work, we present a detailed mechanistic study of the biosynthesis of cyclooctat-9-en-7-ol by CotB2 cyclase, using theoretical tools (such as, quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics calculations [iv]-[vi]. A detailed understanding of the CotB2 mechanism can provide important information towards a synthetic strategy for cyclooctatin and related terpene manufacturing.

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[ii]AOYAGI, T., et al., CYCLOOCTATIN, A NEW INHIBITOR OF LYSOPHOSPHOLIPASE, PRODUCED BY Streptomyces melanosporofaciens MI614-43F2. The Journal of antibiotics, 1992. 45(10): p. 1587-1591

[iii] AOYAMA, T., et al., The structure of cyclooctatin, a new inhibitor of lysophospholipase. The Journal of antibiotics, 1992. 45(10): p. 1703-1704.

[iv] Hill, J.-R., L. Subramanian, and A. Maiti, Molecular modeling techniques in material sciences. 2005: CRC press

[v] Lennard-Jones, J.E., Cohesion. Proceedings of the Physical Society, 1931. 43(5): p. 461.

[vi] Cramer, C.J., Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models. 2013: John Wiley & Sons.

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