Advanced materials and devices for identifying multidrug resistant bacteria

Xingyu Jiang
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China

The identification and eradication of bacteria has become increasingly important because of the huge demand in biology, clinical diagnosis, and the food industry. Conventional methods of identifying bacteria are usually time-consuming. Rapid and efficient bacteria identification is required.

We present a series of new materials, such as gold nanoparticles, and fluorescent nanomaterials, combined with advanced devices such as microfluidic chips for bacterial identification. We can easily identify at least eight kinds of most common bacteria in the clinical setting, along with the multidrug resistant strains. The ability to quickly distinguish normal bacteria from multidrug-resistant bacteria can be clinically quite useful.


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  • Chen WW, Li QZ, Zheng WS, Hu F, Zhang GX, Wang Z, Zhang DQ, Jiang XY, Angew
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