EAP 2019 Congress and MasterCourse

Arterial Hypertension in Pediatric Age: Are the Recommendations Being Followed?

author.DisplayName 1 author.DisplayName 2 author.DisplayName 3
1Pediatrics, Hospital Garcia de Orta, Portugal
2Pediatrics, Hospital de Santa Maria, Portugal
3CEMAT, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa, Portugal

Background: Arterial Hypertension (HBP) is prevalent in pediatric age and requires blood pressure’s regular assessment for an early diagnosis and adequate intervention.

Objectives: It is intended to get information about the assessment of blood pressure (BP) and the perception of children and young people caregivers about HBP in children.

Methods: An experimental questionnaire was applied to caregivers of children aged between 5 and 18 years. The electronic questionnaire was an attempt to design a ”minimal” scheme to be finished quickly. It required the information described below:1. Some socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender, race, residence area, level of education and profession; 2. Five dichotomous questions (Yes/No): 1. Is it usual to measure your child’s BP in health surveillance visits? 2. May the HBP arise during the pediatric age? 3. Is HBP a silent disease? 4. Are race and gender risk factors that may be associated with HBP? 5. Are there risk factors such as obesity or overweight that may be associated with HBP? Association analysis of variables was based on the application of usual parametric and nonparametric tests and exploratory factorial analysis.

Results: 178 questionnaires were analysed, with most participants being female (84%), aged under 43 years (70%) and with higher level education (86%). Regular evaluation of BP in consultation was referred by 55% of the cross-examined; 96% acknowledged that HBP is a disease present in pediatric age and 68% considered it asymptomatic; 100% knew that obesity and overweight were risk factors associated to HBP.

Conclusions: The population under study didn’t have a regular assessment of BP in health surveillance appointments, however it revealed a good literacy degree about pediatric HBP. Therefore, it’s essential to promote health education for disease prevention.

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