EAP 2019 Congress and MasterCourse

Assessment of Parent, Adolescent and Family Cognitive and Behavioral Dimensions Associated with Adherence to Treatment and Asthma Control

Luisa Barros 1 Margarida Custódio dos Santos 1,2 Ana Rita Oliveira 1 Raquel Nunes 1 Margarida Bonança 3 Elsa Pereira 3 Ana Margarida Neves 3
1Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2Psicologia, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Portugal
3Consulta de Asmologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Portugal

Background: Pediatric asthma management involves the development of a treatment plan and its implementation by the patient and the family. Adherence levels tend to be especially problematic during adolescence. Individual and family psychological dimensions contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of asthma management and control.

Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the relation between parents and adolescents with asthma, related knowledge and beliefs, family asthma management, and adherence to treatment and asthma control.

Methods: Sample of 112 adolescents with asthma, 11-18 years old and their caregiver filled measures of Asthma Knowledge and Beliefs about Asthma Medication. Physicians rated the asthma control and nurses rated adherence. A sub sample of 32 caregiver and adolescent dyads completed the Family Asthma Management System Scale (FAMSS).

Results: Show that both parents and adolescents have a reasonable knowledge about asthma, with wrong answers in similar domains, and overall positive beliefs regarding medication. Parents and adolescents knowledge about asthma were associated with asthma control, and with adherence for girls, but not for boys. Adherence was significantly associated with asthma control and with lower concerns about the secondary effects of medication. The overall family management and several dimensions of the FAMSS measure were positively associated with better adherence to treatment and asthma control.

Conclusion: FAMSS was a useful tool to identify domains of worse adaptation in families with lower adherence to treatment Understanding parents and adolescents asthma related knowledge and beliefs, and how the family organizes herself to manage the disease, may contribute to a more tailored educational intervention to increase adolescents levels of adherence and asthma control.

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