Where Are the Small Group Homes Going, From Group Work to Tailor-Made Support?
2Quality Alternative Care Consulting, SOS Chrildren's Villages
At the moment, social development seems to be playing into the hands of the political right: precarious working conditions, especially among young adults, are increasing; all across Europe the solidarity is eroding, and support services for the socially weak are decreasing. But the children`s needs have remained the same: security, belonging and support. Tailor-made help is currently the most discussed trend. How can it be implemented within the framework of small group homes today? Does group education still make sense? If so what is the necessary framework? Can tailor-made help be organised cheaply?
The primary goal of out of home child care is to eventually enable the reunification of the child. What does a child and adolescent need to master his/ her own life in a self-determined way? What resources need to be provided so that the child can remain in the family and the support system and the family work together to improve the situation? Would a temporary care of the whole family with individual access to each of the family members be meaningful, possible and affordable? What attitudes and resources do we need to request from the society to win them over for creative and tailor-made help?