AKs Noah – Accompanying Traumatized Youngsters at High Risk
AKS Noah has more than 30 years of experience in the field of residential care of traumatized youngsters at high risk. We define „youngsters at high risk“ as youngsters who have made multiple traumatizing experiences which lead to self harming and/or aggressive behavior. In this presentation we show how we applicate the principles of the „Circle of Courage“ in our daily work with these youngsters.
The „Circle of Courage“ combines indigenious american parenting philosophies (together) with the heritage of the avantgarde of European educational and youth work and is based on four vital growth needs of children: Belonging, Achievement, Generosity and Power.
To achieve individual goals during the process of growing into an independant life after residential care, it is fundamental to create a safe place for our clients. Practical examples of how we can provide this safe place and which effects are shown when we succeed, will be part of this presentation.
The workshop is based on the principles of the "Circle of Courage" witch we use in
our work. We are inspired by the publications and works of Mark Freado and Larry Brendtro.