The Day after Boarding School: A Three Years Preparatory Program for Beit Mazor Students

Ilanit Horev
Children and Youth at Risk, Yachdav Association

The sharp passage of a child from a protective and supportive out-of-home frame, to an independent adult who functions alone in society, is very challenging and puts the young adult in many difficulties in all areas of life: holding an apartment, the military service, coping with difficulties, relationships, anxieties, and so on. For this reason, it is very important to prepare for the departure to an independent life. According to research, there are a number of areas required to cope with independent life management. Moreover, the integration and success in each of the areas of life is an important measure of itself for success in the independent life: Military or national service, education, vocational training, employment, economic status, acquiring life skills and cultivating independence. Based on these areas of life, we defined a preparatory program for the independent lives of Beit Mazor graduates.

The Principles, operation and application:

The day after boarding school Program

Metrics proved to be a success

The Needs

Expanding rights and responsibilities. Acquiring life skills. Nurturing personal resiliency - personal empowerment.
Base knowledge in programs related to exiting the frame

Acquiring life skills and cultivating independence.

Enables the acquisition of skills in diverse areas, concrete and emotional.

Personal Independence &resiliency

Training programs – the development of

Job Search Skills

Employment and economic status enables coping with complex life tasks, identifying abilities and difficulties.

Also the possibility of enjoying the benefits of employment.

Economic and

occupational security

Preparation for the military service

Military or National service allows youngsters to contribute to society like any citizen and to acquire important life skills thus creating a broader social network.

The need to belong and

contribute to society

Professional Training

Education and vocational training - enables an opportunity for normal and normative integration into society, increasing the possibilities for the advancement in Social stratification.
