Analysis of climatic characteristics on the Crimea peninsula using the satellites

Alexandr Volvach Galina Kurbasova Larisa Volvach
Department of radio astronomy and geodynamics, CrAO, Ukraine

Analysis of climatic characteristics on the Crimea peninsula based on daily measurements of climatic parameters by NASA satellites for the period 1983–2005 revealed an accelerated increase (compared to other points of the Crimea) of insolation of the earth`s surface at Kara-Dag and an anomalous decrease in the surface temperature of the Earth at Lantern. According to the results of the time-frequency wavelet analysis of local data on insolation and the temperature of the earth`s surface, periodic oscillations were identified, the periods of which coincide with astronomical cycles, and the epoch of the appearance of anomalous deviations from general trends (1990–1995) was established. As a result of the analysis of corrections to the vertical deformations of the earth`s surface, the seasonal component was singled out at the point of Katsiveli and the parameters of this fluctuation were calculated. The coherent variations established in this work with periods of about 10–12 and 60–70 years are found in processes of different physical nature and can be attributed to global cycles in the solar system, whose manifestation in climatic and geophysical local processes is the result of a general tendency to synchronization.

Alexandr Volvach
Alexandr Volvach

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