The role of Givatayim Observatory in promoting science education

Diana Laufer Shalom Hanania
Givatayim Observatory, Kehilatayim, Givatayim, Israel

Givatayim Observatory is the main center for astronomy education for all the ages in Israel. The professional knowledge of astronomy is both in the operation of telescopes and their accessories and also in instruction and teaching. The Givatayim Observatory is also the link between the amateur astronomers of the Israeli Astronomy Association, IAA ‏and the professional astronomers, especially from Tel Aviv University.

The visitors of all the ages are fascinated by the night sky and topics such as solar system, astronomical events, star death, and black holes. New discoveries are often published on the front pages of newspapers and media. The Givatayim Observatory organizes lectures for the general public, special events and annual educational programs for all the levels combining astronomical observations with hands-on activities. The interest in astronomy provides an opportunity to engage children in science learning for higher education.

This work is supported by the Kehilatayim, Givatayim and the Israeli Space Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology.

Diana Laufer
Diana Laufer

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