EAP 2019 Congress and MasterCourse

Epidemiological Characteristics of Allergic Rhinitin in Children in Ukraine

Lyudmyla Duda Olena Okhotnikova Olena Sharikadze Olena Usova Nataliya Yakovleva Tatyana Tkachova Olena Ponochevna Olena Oshlianska
Department of Pediatrics #1, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

Background. The results of recent studies have shown an increase in the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) worldwide. Epidemiological information on AR in childhood proposes new hypotheses for further alethiological research into the genetic, lifestyle, environmental, clinical and medical-care factors for this disease.

Objective. To determine the prevalence of rhinitis in children and examine the age-old features of AR in Ukraine on the example of Kyiv region.

Methods. Written questionnaires (methodology by ISAAC) were self-completed at school by 13-17-year olds and completed at home by parents of children of younger age groups. 7106 children: group I – 1787 (6 month-5 years), group II – 2080 (6-7 years), group III – 1909 (13-14 years), group IV – 1330 (15-17 years). The gender ratio of the sample is about 1:1.

Results. The determination of the rhinitis symptoms prevalence was performed by assessment of the answers to question “symptoms of rhinitis in the past 12 months”, selected as the most sensitive criterion. The prevalence of rhinitis symptoms was 24,7% (759/7106), without significant gender difference (χ²=0,6509; p=0,419). In groups: I – 20,0% [95% CI: 18,2-22,0], II – 23,8% [95% CI: 21,9-25,6], III – 26,9% [95% CI: 24,9-28,9], IV – 29,6% [95% CI: 27,2-32,2]. The increase of rhinitis prevalence with age is observed (χ²=44,039; p=0). The prevalence of symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis in groups: I – 10,6% [95% CI: 9,2-12,2], II – 11,3% [95% CI: 10,0-12,7], III – 14,8% [95% CI: 13,3-16,5], IV – 10,8% [95% CI: 9,2-12,6]. AR was diagnosed in 14,2% [95% CI: 12,6-15,9] in Group I, 19,3% [95% CI: 17,7-21,1] in Group II, 20,5% [95% CI: 18,7-22,4] in Group III , IV – 20,4% [95% CI: 18,2-22,6] (χ²=31,318; p=0).

Conclusion. The level of prevalence of AR in children of Ukraine in Kyiv region is quite high, which requires further study.

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