Automatic Classification of Breast Lesions in CESM Using Deep Learning in Conjunction with Multimodal Information: BIRADS and Images

Vera Sorin 1,3 Arnaldo Mayer 2,3 Yael Yagil 1,3 Renata Faermann 1,3 Anat Shalmon 1,3 Michael Gotlieb 1,3 Osnat Halshtok-Neiman 1,3 Miri Sklair-Levy 1,3
1Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Chaim Sheba Medical Center
2Computational Imaging Lab, Chaim Sheba Medical Center
3Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University

Purpose: Deep learning has the potential to aid radiologists in image interpretation, improving diagnostic performance and patient care. The purpose of this study is to assess whether a developed deep learning model can aid radiologists at contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) image classification.

Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 108 women who underwent CESM between 2014-2019, with enhancing lesions on CESM. A total of 115 lesions were biopsied (69 benign, 46 malignant) and included in the analysis. Lesions were classified by a convolutional neural network (CNN) tool, and results were compared with the histopathology reports. Lesions were manually outlined by a radiologist, and BI-RADS features including lesion shape, outline and enhancement were filled-in by the same radiologist. Diagnostic performance of the CNN tool was assessed with and without the BI-RADS characteristics.

Results: Without the BI-RADS features, the CNN tool correctly identified 72/115 (62.6%) lesions. With the BI-RADS features, 79/115 (68.7%) lesions were correctly identified. Without the BI-RADS features the sensitivity of the tool was 95.7% (44/46) and specificity 40.6% (28/69). With the BI-RADS features sensitivity increased to 97.8% (45/46), and specificity to 49.3% (34/69). The false-negative case was an invasive lobular carcinoma.

Conclusion: A deep learning tool can aid radiologists in CESM interpretation, increasing specificity and reducing the number of false-positive cases.

Vera Sorin
Vera Sorin

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