Bonding: American Relationships with Israel 1956-2000

In this lecture, I analyse the relationship between the USA and Israel from 1956 until 2000. This is a tale of increased, incremental bonding between the two countries. I explain the goals of American foreign policy, and the factors that influence American foreign policy. I trace how relationships between the two countries were tightened from the presidency of John F. Kennedy and further still during the Lyndon Johnson administration. The 1967 Six Day War, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War, brought the two nations closer, making the bonding stronger than ever. The trend continued during the presidency of Jimmy Carter who brokered peace between Israel and Egypt. This was his calling. Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton remained committed to maintain the bond, despite political disagreements with Likud leaders relating mostly to Israeli policy vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Clinton’s good will and sincere attempts to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians, however, failed at the Camp David Peace Summit of 2000. The bond between the two countries, based on political interests, religious sentiments and shared ideological values, remains unshaken.

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