How Does the Varying Budget Allocated to Arab and Jewish Systems Impact the Israeli Education System`s Bagrut Exam Results?

In the realm of social justice, ever-diversifying, modern societies must work to expand and improve their systems to accommodate their diverse citizen bases; failure to do so may result in discrimination and marginalization that affects the success of minority populations. Regarding education systems in Israel, standardized testing presents a cavernous achievement gap between the dominant Jewish and periphery Arab student populaces. This paper assesses one factor that may contribute to this discrepancy in test scores: budget allocation. Specifically, it will evaluate the relationship between test scores and budget while controlling for Arab and Jewish school systems. To this end, this research examines the demographic, test score, and budget data for all Israeli municipalities from the years 2003 through 2018. This paper will contribute an expanded conclusion on the role of budget allocation in supporting the educational experience of minority communities through the correlational establishment of variable relationships, thereby focusing future research towards equitable standardized testing in Israel.

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