
Harmony in Marriage as a Halakhic Consideration in R. Akiva’s Method

R. Akiva repealed the halakhah of the first sages who forbade a woman to wear make-up while she was niddah (Sifra, Metzora). It was difficult for the sages to agree with such an unacceptable abolition and this opened a controversy that has continued ever since. Rabbi Akiva`s halakhic position met the challenges it faced and even influenced halakhic decisions beyond the laws of Nida, including the laws of Shabbat. The sages who disagreed with him failed to reject his method in halakhic arguments. They tried, and succeeded, in influencing the practical behavior of women through non-halakhic messages.

At the core of R. Akiva`s method is the value of harmony in marriage as a halakhic principle. He applies this principle also in other areas such as divorce (Mishnah, Gitin 9,10) and others which we will expand on in the lecture.