The 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies

Israeli Messianic Jewish Yeshua-Believers and the New Testament - The Hermeneutics of David Bar-David


This lecture examines the nonconformist hermeneutical notions introduced by David Bar-David, an Israeli Messianic Jewish congregational teacher, contesting, from a Hebraic perspective, historic ecclesiastical theology and creeds. By employing concepts rooted in the Hebrew Bible, as well as referring to colloquial Hebrew, Bar-David challenges key traditional dogmas and doctrines originating from Protestantism and even Catholicism. Thus, for example, he subverts Christian creedal definitions relating to sacrosanct tenets such as the Trinity, eternal Christology and Messiah`s humanity. Moreover, Bar-David also confronts the common orthodox Jewish and Christian belief that the Messiah must be the biological son of King David. This paper presents not only controversial and stimulating discussions, but also demonstrates innovative and thought-provoking responses. Altogether, it manifests a new `Mathematical Messianic Jewish Theology`, uniquely formulated within a Hebraic and Jewish environment.