The 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies

The Digitization Process of the Archives of the Jewish Community of Pisa

Over the last years, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the Cultural Heritage sector has revolutionized the way of thinking, organizing and communicating information. Through ICT common people may become more aware of the huge Cultural Heritage hidden in museums, archives and so on. In particular, ICT has permitted to achieve multiple objectives:

· Knowledge Representation - the use of different technologies has permitted us to represent and valorize information in a faster, safer and more secure way. These technologies include techniques to organize information, such as the Linked Data initiative, as well as the their storage into secure ledgers, which include centralized database and blockchains;

· Artificial Intelligence - the use of techniques for text and data analysis, based mainly on Machine/Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing, has enabled the extraction of more knowledge from manuscripts and documents. This aspect improves scholars` and researchers` analysis

· Human Computer Interaction - Results communication - the implementation of accessible and usable web sites as well as the creation of virtual tours (augmented and virtual reality) has enabled the diffusion of knowledge over a large scale, by reaching a wider audience and new possibilities for advanced restoration techniques. To enable the study and the monitoring of historical Landscape Changes a new paradigm for information visualization is known as Historical and GeoGraphical Atlas.

The aim of this contribution is that of describe the ICTs adopted into the process of digitisation of the Archives of the Jewish Community of Pisa. The standards of text encoding, textual analysis and data visualization used in the digitization process will be described with some examples