קונגרס העולמי ה-18 למדעי היהדות

Rabbi Yeshayah Berlin (1719–1799) and his Influence on Wissenschaft des Judentums

Over the years Modern scholars have proposed a variety of possibilities, as to who was the first scholar who really started the field and emphasized the significance of the usage of Geonic literature.

I hope to present evidence for a new compelling possibility to this issue, tracing it too much earlier roots than previous proposals.

Specifically, my research examines the works of the great German scholar Rabbi Yeshayah Berlin an important but neglected scholar. Particular focus is devoted to his commentary on the Geonic work Sheiltos, Aruch (which contains Geonic material) and his Mesorat Hashas. After outlining some of his methods. I will demonstrate how R’ Berlin Work’s influenced Lithuanian scholars in Vilna and in Galicia. I will than trace his impact to some of the early members of Wissenschaft des Judentums.