קונגרס העולמי ה-18 למדעי היהדות

The Historical Jewis Press - Thoughts and refelections on the 15 years gone by, and on the next 15 years of Hstoric Press archivng.


The Historical Jewish Press Project (HJP), a joint venture of the National Library of Israel and Tel-Aviv University, is the largest and leading digital archive for Jewish newspapers and periodicals. The collection spans continents and languages, covering Jewish life in its most mundane and in its intellectual peaks alike. With over 550 titles (and ever-growing), all with full-text and advanced search options, HJP has become a tool that no research on Jewish life in the modern era can look upon.

I would like to discuss in the roundtable a few main issues:

- New directions and technologies in digital newspaper archiving, with an emphasis on Jewish Press challenges.

- The untold and unforseen effects of the growing reliance on digital archives.

- The lesser known and enexposed uses of digital newspaper archives, and what they can teach and reveal to us.