קונגרס העולמי ה-18 למדעי היהדות

Identifying the Author of Fine Funerary Epitaphs in Thirteenth-Century Worms

Prof. Dr. Michael Brocke

After 20 years of documentation and research of the Worms` "qodesh haqodashim" (David Kaufmann), the cemetery (mid-11th), coming to a close, finishing a book (plus the "epidat" data bank) I wish to present, in Hebrew,

a number of inscriptions (some more than cha"i - eighteen) as being authored by a fine Worms "homme de lettres" whom I will be able to identify, active in the second half of the 13th century and the first decades of the 14th c. A personality otherwise unknown (no payyetan). "His" inscriptions being highly original and elegant, both for women and men (seen in relation to other quite remarkable ones of the 13th c.)

This would be, or so I hope, a worthy presentation, also as

תודה על כל חטובות אשר השפיעו עלי מורי ורבותי הירושלמים מאז תשכ`ג

Michael Brocke