קונגרס העולמי ה-18 למדעי היהדות

La identidad latina de los peruanos en Ramla

How is the ethno-national and regional identity of Amazonian Peruvians re-constructed in the local migration process in the city of Ramla?, and what role do the enterprises and organizations of their immigrants play in the re-territorialization of the local urban space in the face of the institutions of immigration and the complex ethnographic diversity of the so-called world city in Israel? Yanapuma del Amazonas, Kfir chickens to the ember and events, Latin Peru and Latin American Association of entrepreneurs in the Holy Land, are Pimes created by immigrants who re-create their Amazon identity along with a new emerging Peruvian identity-Latin in the interchanges of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim urban space of Ramla. He wants to build a museum in his house in the Arab quarter. Another seeks to change the Hebrew name> Hagana Park, of parties and soporting events of its immigrants, in the center of the municipality. This presentation focuses on the tensions and contradictions that this community faces through a journey via the history of its institutional participation, its relationships with Colombian neighbors and the creation of its own organizations and businesses.