Breaking the Symmetry of Ions at the Air Water Interface

Eva Brandes 1 Peter Karagerogiev 1 Padmanabhan Viswanath 2 Hubert Motschmann 1
1Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
2Department of Science and Technology, Centre for Soft Matter Research, Bangalore, India
The classical textbook picture of electrolytes at the air-water interface is shaped by surface tension measurements. Usually ions increase the surface tension, which is then interpreted within the framework of Gibbs Thermodynamic  as a zone of depletion. This picture was challenged in the last decade by mounting evidence that ions may reside at the interface and moreover adopt a non-monotonous concentration profile.
In this contribution we investigate the large and easy polarisable ion hexacyanoferrate [Fe(CN)6]4- by IR-VIS sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and surface tension measurements. The equilibrium surface tension increases in a monotonic fashion with the bulk concentration. Due to selection rules a prerequisite for a second order nonlinear response is the simultaneous IR and Raman activity of vibrational modes. This implies the limitation to non-centrosymmetric media. Therefore, IR-VIS sum frequency spectroscopy provides exclusive spectra of the surface. Since the unpertubated [Fe(CN)6]4- belongs to the point group Oh, no vibrational mode is SFG active, unless a deformation takes place. A stretch of the ion reduces the symmetry to point groups, which have SFG active modes. The resulting spectra provide evidence for the symmetry breaking induced by surface effects.

Fig. 1: Schematic representation of the distortion of the octahedral symmetry of hexacyano ferrate at the air water interface due to surface effects. A nonmonotonous concentration profile of the anion is expected.

Fig. 2: The spectra shows the SFG active modes of the CN-stretch of [Fe(CN)6]4-.This implies that the ion has no longer the octahedral symmetry.


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