Conception and Birth Time of the "Big killer" CVA Victims (n-130.120, Lithuania, 1989-2013) Liks to Longevity

Jadvyga Petrauskiene 2 Ramune Kalediene 2 Skirmante Sauliune 2 Evgeny Abramson 3 Eliyahu Stoupel 1
1Cardiolgy, Rabin Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv U-ty, Petah Tiqwa, Tel Aviv
2Medical Management, Lithuanian Health Sciences U-ty, Kaunas
3Managing Information Center, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa

Background: In year 2000 a paper in the ANAS considered links between month of birth and longevity. In the following years we published four papers related to " big killers"

(cardiac and oncology) that showed some differences in birth months distribution of this group and studied by LA , NS Gavrilov`s centenarians.

The aim of this study was to study conception and birth months of another modern "big killer" –cerebral stroke (CVA) that is taking a leading role between cardiovascular causes of death in the last decades.

Methods: 130.120 deaths of both gender CVA victims in Lithuania at 1989-2013 were studied. In addition to birth month the month of conception (9 months before birth) were studied . Our data was compared with results of centenarians

( birth of LA, NS Gavrilov`s study and transformed by authors also their conception month).

Results: The maximum of births were for CVA victims January, March, May.

The analogical conception maximum in April, June, May, July. The similar data for centenarians were maximal birth at November, September, October (LA, NS Gavrilov`s) and conception at December, January, February. This results are similar to data related to cardiac and oncology deaths published in our previous publications.

Conclusion: the conception and birth month of victims of CVA is different of similar data obtained by centenarians study.

Different environmental conditions at different parts of the year and solar cycle can play a role affecting the embryo at early stages of development, predisposing to some pathologies in coming years of life.

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