Space Weather and Human Deaths (n-1.050503) Distribution: 25 Years Observation LITHUANIA, 1989-2013

E Stoupel 1,2 R Kalediene 3 S Sauliune 3 E Abramson 4 Tz Shochat 5
1Division of Cardiology, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa
2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv
3Medical Management Department, Lithuanian Medical Science University, Kaunas
4Managing Data Center, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa
5Statistics, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa

Background: Human health is affected by Space Weather components ( Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA), Cosmic Ray (CRA) –Neutrons, Space Proton flux) activity levels. The aim

Of this study is to check links between timing of human, both gender, monthly deaths distribution with Space Weather activity.

Methods: 25 years, 1989-2013, (300 consecutive months) deaths distribution in the Republic of Lithuania were studied . 1.050.503 deaths ( 549764 male, 500739 female) included. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and their probabilities (p) were obtained for years, months (1-12), Sunspot number, Smoothed Sunspot number, Solar flux (2800 MGH, 10.6cm.), Adjusted Solar flux for SA; A, C indices of GMA; Neutron activity at the Earth’s surface (imp/min) for CRA. The cosmophysical data was from Space Science Institutions in the USA, Russia and Finland. The mentioned physical parameters were compared with total deaths number, deaths from Ischemic Heart Disease ( n-376074_), stroke (n-132020), Non Cardiovascular causes ( n- 542409).


  1. Space factors interrelationship: CRA was inverse related to SA and GMA, CRA/SA, r=-0.86 , p<0.001; CRA/GMA, r= -0.70, p<0.0001; SA and GMA were correlated , r=0.50, p<0.0001.
  2. Total deaths distribution was inverse related to SA, r=-0.31, p

Correlated with CRA (Neutron) activity , r=0.234, p<0.0001.

  1. IHD deaths (most at home) show a drop yearly , r=-0.2551, more for men. It was a correlation with GMA for the total IHS population and men.
  2. Stroke deaths inverse related to SA, r=-0.38, p<0.0001, and correlated with CRA , r=0.41, p

rise. The IHD/Stroke deaths ratio were negatively correlated with e years of observation , r=-0.754, p=0.0001.<

  1. Non cardiovascular deaths were inverse related to SA r=- 0.39, p< 0.0001, correlated with CRA r=0.263, p<0.0001.

Conclusion: Space Weather factors are related to human deaths distribution by time, affecting many risk factors of a number of pathologies.

The antagonism between studied Space factors serve the equilibrium paradigm in Clinical Cosmobiology .

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